Small Girl. Big City.

Paul Smith Pink Wall

It’s hard to believe that it’s been almost 6 months since Kevin and I moved to Los Angeles. Since then, we’ve both been working full-time and attempting to master a city roughly 8 times larger than the size of Gainesville.

I’ve had quite a few people ask me what it’s like to move to California, and I have consistently said, “it’s different.” The food, the weather, the beaches. Different. Yes, I still get lost. I’ve still yet to fully adjust to the weather. (LA #protip: Always carry a jacket.)

But most importantly, in this short amount of time, we’ve been able to experience so many new things. It felt appropriate to ring in the New Year in our cozy apartment in LA, while we reflected on the past year.


One of my biggest resolutions last year, was to travel more. From cupcakes in Waco, TX to apple picking in Oak Glen, CA, I can happily say that 2016 was my most traveled year. Our cross-country road trip and many adventures exploring our new surroundings were some of my favorite memories.Lucky for us, there’s no shortage of new places to explore. Even after 6 months, we’ve barely scratched the surface of what LA has to offer. This year, I plan to travel even more and document all of my #SmallGirlBigCity adventures.

Allons-y, 2017

One of my other New Year’s Resolutions is to develop my skills, both professional and personal. Professionally, I really want to develop my networking skills. I’ve realized this is one skill I never quite mastered during or after college. I want to feel more comfortable putting myself in professional social situations. Adulting may be hard, but networking is harder.

Last year, I made a resolution to write more content for my blog and dedicate more time to work on my photography skills. Although I did better, I always think there’s room for improvement. This year I’m striving to shoot less on automatic and embrace manual mode. I’m excited to see what the new year has in store.

Here’s to a year filled with plenty of coffee, cupcakes and new adventures!